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Why ZebraZapps?

Design with the Learner in Mind

At Allen Interactions we believe…
  • Effective learning is fun, challenging, and personal.

  • Instruction must be meaningful, memorable, and motivational to be of greatest value to learners.

  • SAM (Successive Approximation Model) is an optimal process for creating powerful learning experiences and collaborating with our clients.

  • Context, challenge, activity, and feedback (CCAF) are the essential components of effective learning events.

  • Achievement of client goals and their recommendation of us to others are ultimate measures of our success.

We want to empower all authors to collaborate, create, and publish powerful learning experiences that drive performance change.

You shouldn't have to be a software coder or accept limited instructional strategies offered by easier authoring tools.

ZebraZapps facilitates CCAF Design and SAM, design and development approaches created by Michael Allen and used at Allen Interactions for over 20 years.

We Created ZebraZapps Because...

What is ZebraZapps?

ZebraZapps is a subscription-based online authoring and publishing system that touts a unique and powerful visual editor, facilitates prototyping and brainstorming, provides premiere publishing options, and empowers authors to create engaging instructional applications ranging from simple selected answers to complex, multi-gesture, constructed, and sequenced responses. 
Learn more ▶

What Sets ZebraZapps Apart?

ZebraZapps provides designers and developers a platform to build great learning experiences such as simulations and serious games – projects that simply cannot be produced with rapid authoring tools or cost-effectively produced with programming language tools.


Try ZebraZapps Today!

Wildly Interactive Learning. At Your Fingertips!

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