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NEW: Behavior Sets

Behavior Sets

New functionality, just released in ZebraZapps, allow authors to reduce wiring by creating sets of custom IN ribbons (inlets) to change the properties of an object. Behavior Sets can set multiple properties of an object with just one wire. By creating an ordered list of properties to be changed and grouping them into a set, an author can change all of the properties at once or create a sequence of changes from top to bottom using delay seconds and “tweens". Best of all, Behavior Sets can be copied, pasted or moved between objects simplifying an authors work.

With Behavior Sets, we’ve introduced new conventions for aggregating, organizing, moving, copying, pasting and renaming sets of ribbons inside your message centers to make ZebraZapps authoring faster, more powerful and easier to maintain.

Creating a set from scratch

Drag a property over the IN button, hover over the Behaviors category, hover over the Behavior Set where you wish to include the property, then drop in place using the blue insertion bar as a guide.

Creating a set from a single behavior

After wiring an out to a property or dropping a single property over the IN button, drag and drop a second property onto the single behavior to create a new Behavior Set containing both.


Any collapsable ribbon (in, property or out with child ribbons) can be renamed.

Duplicating on the same object

To duplicate a behavior set, hold down the alt key and drop the behavior set on the IN button at the top of the message center.

Moving from object to object

To remove a behavior set and place it on another object, simply drag the set off (turning the border of the message center red) and drop it on the IN button of another object.

Copying with wires to a different object

To duplicate a behavior set with wiring that maybe attached, hold down the alt keys while dragging and dropping the behavior set on the IN button of another object.

Copying without wires to a different object

To duplicate a behavior set with out any wiring that maybe attached, hold down the shift and alt keys while dragging and dropping the behavior set on the IN button of another object.

When dragging and dropping any ribbon or set, note the following color key for message center boarders:

Yellow: nothing removed from the message center

Red: ribbon(s) to be removed from the message center

Green: ribbons to be added to the message center on drop

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